Our society places a high premium on hair. Countless products exist to increase its volume, to change its color, or to style it wildly. But what happens when you begin to experience hair loss? For many individuals, thinning hair can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It changes your appearance and can cause significant harm to your self-confidence.

At Seattle Hair Surgery, we understand the impact that hair loss can have on your life. With this in mind, we are committed to helping our patients regain their natural hair through cutting-edge treatments. Dr. Cole uses his years of experience to restore your hair and your confidence.

Am I Experiencing Hair Loss?

For many, the transition from a full head of hair to balding is incredibly gradual. It happens so slowly that you hardly notice it until its too late. By keeping an eye out for the signs of hair loss, you can treat it right away.

  • Patchy bald spots
  • Clumps of hair falling out
  • Thinning hair on top of your head
  • Patches of scaling

However, not all episodes of hair loss are permanent. Some patients regrow their hair naturally once the cause has been addressed. Still, for all too many patients, loss of hair is much more permanent.

The difference depends on the cause of hair loss. At Seattle Hair Surgery, we treat all manner of hair loss causes, working to ensure that you have the full head of hair you deserve.